December Challenge//2014 New Year’s Resolutions

Hey guys!
December is one of my favorite months. Not only is my birthday in this month, but Christmas is too! December really brings out the more reflecting side of me. This month is the month to finish at least one thing on your New Year’s resolutions list. Yes, the list that I’m sure most of us have forgotten about. 
Here’s what was on my list: 
1) Exercise 
Well, it started out great. I was excercising every other day, working on better my health so that I don’t end up too lazy. By the time May came around I was too busy to do it every other day and with that, exercising fell off my list. 
I’ve started to stretch a bit every day, so hopefully I can get back into full out exercising by the end of January. 
2) Eat Healthy
This one didn’t last long. Living with three younger brothers with a taste for junk food, there isn’t much to say on this one. Food goes fast in my house. 
I think I’ll change this one to “Eat Less” since I always seem to be reaching for something to eat when I’m not even hungry.
3) Save Money
Now, I don’t get an allowence. It’s mostly just my dad giving me some money for school since I’m not allowed to have a job yet. This means that I haven’t really been saving money, but next year I will definitely be getting a job as foretold by my dad. 
I’ll definitely try to save money for a future trip to Chicago. 
4) Keep My Grades Up
I did really well with this goal. My grades were mostly A’s and high B’s. This year I’ve decided to focus on one subject that I’ve been struggling on. I’m sure most of you already know.
Math really sucks, but it’s useful. I’m focusing on math this month and next month because finals are coming soon. Let’s hope my memorization gets better. 

That’s it for today! First post of my December challenge! I finished at least one thing on my 2014 New Year’s resolution list! How many items have you crossed off? What do you guys need to cross of your list? 
