Hello everyone!
Wasn’t my last post about being back and falling in love with writing again? I think I spoke too soon. These past few months have been rough for me. A little bit after posting that post, I had gone through a rough breakup. I didn’t mention him much on the blog, but I was in a long term relationship with him for almost two and a half years. I left my old job for a new one a little bit before the breakup so adjusting to both new aspects of my life took a toll on me.
There’s still some parts of me that are healing from it. He was such a large part of my life that I know it’ll take time to heal. Although I’d love to honor his wishes of not saying why we broke up, I can’t consciously keep it quiet because I know other people have gone through the same thing.
He cheated.
That kind of hurt doesn’t heal easily, and it’ll take time for me to be able to trust someone in a relationship like that again as a result. There’s something about saying it out loud in a space that I feel safe in that makes it hurts both more and less. I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone else, but it makes sense to me.
In July, as a result of feeling down and impulsive, I had asked my best friend to dye my hair. It didn’t go well the first time since we had to bleach my hair for the first time. My hair was a blue, purple, and pink for a few months before we re-dyed it to green and blue. Now it’s fading, and I’m thinking of what color to dye my hair now. I’m thinking of something pastel.
I also ended up getting Covid-19 in August. You read that right. I ended up having to quarantine for two weeks at home. I was fortunate enough to be paid too while I was out of work. While I was quarantined, I rediscovered my love for resin art. Now I have a large collection of art supplies again. Creating art has made me realize that I want to make a small shop which you can follow on Instagram as @lovealwaysecl and Twitter as @lovealwaysecl. I couldn’t think of another store name so for now, I’m using my actual name.
Ellie is a nickname since people can’t pronounce Eliose correctly despite being corrected repeatedly. It’s pronounced as El-LEE-wheeze. If that fails, pronouncing it as it’s usually spelled is much better than attempting to sound it out yourself. I’m working on my first collection right now to be able to launch soon. I’m still not sure which website to use for it, so I’ll link it later once I decide on it. For now, I’ll be posting process videos, behind the scenes, and other fun posts! So go ahead and follow @lovealwaysecl on Instagram.
During quarantine, I’ve been deep diving back into how to be alone and reconnecting with myself because I realized that I had become an extension of my ex during my relationship. I had let blogging fall to the wayside and not to mention my other hobbies. I’m excited to venture back into my creative endeavors fully. From reading tarot to writing consistently, I’m ready to fully embrace habits that’ll make me happy and fulfilled.
Speaking of writing, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo this year. I’m playing it by ear and bouncing around different projects this year since it’ll be easier for me to hit the word count if I have different projects to work on. For some reason, I can’t write on one project for long before I have to move on to another one. Alternating on what project I’m working on will definitely help me finish something so follow my Twitter for more on the spot NaNoWriMo tweets (and chaotic ones, but that’s another subject altogether).