Hey everyone!
It’s a late night LIFE HAPPENS post because this week was actually busy. My brothers helped put together my new desk for my room. Then we had to rearrange furniture so it had space to actually be in my room. I’m one step closer to being ready for school. Now I need to remember what classes I’m suppose to be in because my memory is not good.
In other news, I’m thinking of restarting my YouTube channel. Not only would it have beauty and fashion videos, but I want to talk about my geeky interests in a format that would be easily digestible. I’m recording a few ideas tomorrow or Monday to see how well the topics are presented through video.
I haven’t seen any of the previews for SyFy’s Channel Zero which means a reaction video is coming up soon for that. This season they’re doing NoEnd House which is a creepypasta that I haven’t read yet. I’m excited to see the previews since I haven’t watched regular television in a while. Speaking of television shows, I haven’t seen any previews for ZNation either. The new season is coming up soon so I’ll be back to tweeting regularly on Fridays. I hope to see you guys there.