Hey everyone!

It’s the end of May, and I have many favorites to talk about.


notebook freebie from Worldwide Tai Chi & Qigong Day // I use this notebook primary for learning new skills and other tips. I like having a separate notebook for learning because I can find things easier.


jade darmawangsa // Insightful content about social media and getting to be the influencer you want to be. Her energy and drive to work and create content is inspiring to me.


free learning resources in general // I use Skillshare* to learn in more organized way than on Youtube. Although I do think that YouTube videos are more accessible especially video editing because some teachers use longer ways of doing something or are not as clear in their videos.


psych // I watched all eight seasons in one week. I enjoyed the comedy and personalities of everyone on the show. 
monk // I just finished the series before I wrote this post, and I had to take a break from shows for a bit. The ending made me cry. 


self care best practices from space on third // Although this is a basic self care guide, I like the way they categorize it in daily, weekly, and monthly practices.

things your home doesn’t need from a considered life // This blog post has some good points in making sure your home has things you actually need and want instead of competing with others on your home looks.

how instagram stifles sustainability from eco warrior princess / // Instagram ads make it easy to buy without thinking. This post made me take a step back to analyze how I feel whenever I see an ad on instagram.

like-minded vs like-hearted from austin kleon // Inspiring read about the people you surround yourself with.

cosumption spirals from paul jarvis // Consumption spirals used to happen to me all the time when I was younger. Now I’m trying to find what makes me happy with what I already have.

*This specific link will give you two free months of Skillshare premium. It gives me a month of Skillshare free after your first payment of Skillshare premium (if you decided to keep premium).  

What have you been loving this month?
