Hey everyone!
You may notice a few blog posts coming up in the next few weeks that weren’t posted when they were supposed to. I’m still getting used to WordPress so it was a mistake on my part. But if you haven’t been keeping up with my Instagram or Twitter, then it may be a surprise to you that I’m in the Philippines right now! I’ll be vacationing here until August 25 so expect my content to be all over the place.
The only notable places my brothers and I have gone to for the last few days are the WalterMart (their version of a mall), a beach resort, and Sam’s Pizza Hut in Olongapo. I didn’t get a chance to take pictures of any of these locations, but my aunt is the type to take pictures of everything and post them on social media so I may share a few of her photos.
I’ve taken this vacation as a time to reconnect with my roots while also getting a few projects going. I’ve taken the first few days as rest days before really diving into writing for hours on end. I’m going to sleep and waking up earlier than ever which will help my routine immensely (hopefully).
I’m tentatively attempting a few projects at the same time so I’ll check in maybe next week about their progress. I do plan on working on my photography skills while I’m here, but there’s a flood about to hit in a few days. It would be a good chance to take nature photos, however I don’t have anything to cover my camera if the rain becomes too much. Let’s hope I can get something together that won’t obscure the lenses too much.