December Challenge//December Reflection

Hey guys!

Today I’m going to get really emotional-really quick. Not only is December the last month of the year, but it symbolizes the end of a year. The end of a long, hard year where I was so close to the end of just giving up, of letting my desires take over me, and just…ending it. This year was just full of downs.

The end of a toxic relationship. The end of a relationship between me and a sibling. The end of my battle with depression, suicide, and eating disorders. The end of junior year of high school.

But it’s also the time of year for cleansing oneself. If you’re religious, then it’s the start of Jesus Christ being born and the start of something new. If you’re not religious, it’s the time of month to just reflect on your life and what you should do to change it or improve it.

It’s the start of my senior year. The start of letting go of a year filled with hurt. The start of being who I am and just not giving a damn. The start of therapy and getting help. The start of going into the world and finding my own way.

Although I don’t really like Christmas, and there are some legitimate reasons and not ‘Oh I hate it! I hate it’, I do love December. Even if I’m a December baby and no one really cares, December is still one of my favorite months. The cold, the warm drinks, and the even warmer people. December is a time for reflecting, change, and moving on.

Next year will be a new year. It will be filled with good times and bad times. But now, I know it’s in my power to change any negative situation around. I can turn my life around. I can do whatever it takes to get to where I belong.

December is the time to change. Don’t be stuck in a place where you’ll just end up being dragged down. Been there, done that. Change for the better. Change for yourself. 

That’s it for today! What do you think about December? What have you been reflecting on?
