Style It//5SOS Concert

Hey guys! Tomorrow I’m going to my first concert. I’ll be going with my younger cousin who loves them. Personally I’m not that much of a fan, but I do think they have nice songs and voices. I decided to make these outfits very simple as it’s my first concert and I don’t want to wear something bulky in a place that’s going to beRead Now


Hey guys! I know I haven’t been updating as frequently as I used to because I’m currently in Chicago! If you keep up with my instagram, you’ve already seen a selfie with me and the front of my Aunt’s house. I’ve been enjoying being lazy for a few weeks and going into stores that I don’t have in California. Okay, most stores I don’t haveRead Now

Influenster Review//L’Oreal Paris Ultimate Straight VoxBox

Hey guys!* I don’t think I’ve ever used a L’Oreal product before. I know there’s been a lot of commericals for this set and I’m glad that I got chosen for this voxbox! The products have really pretty packaging and look amazing in your bathroom. The product themselves work really well. Although there are a lot of different steps to using the entire system, youRead Now

Review//Isa Professional XANADU 24K Gold Vitamin C Serum & FoundationPrimer

Hey guys!* Today I’ll be reviewing the Isa Professional XANADU 24K Gold Vitamin C Serum and Foundation Primer. The packaging is adorable with the clear bottle making it easy to see how much product you have left. The product itself has a gel consistancy and goes on smoothly. It also has a slight scent to it which, to me, smells like baby powder and the AvonRead Now

Etsy Love #1

Hey guys! Yes, I totally stole-er, I mean borrowed this idea from Delicate Teeth and Bones. But I just love these kinds of posts and this series is (or will be (hopefully)) very different from hers. These aren’t just my favorite finds for the day or week or month. Nope, the items linked could have been in my favorites list for years. Yes. Years. I’veRead Now


Hey guys! Oh yes. Today will be a bucket list kind of post. Why? Why not?! I know some bloggers have written posts about un-bucket lists? or whatever they’re called which highlights doing simple things in life that don’t cost much or are easily attainable. Although I would love to write a post like that (maybe I’ll even write one after this post!), this isRead Now


Hey guys! I’m going to be honest. I have done nothing this week. Zip. Nada. Zilch. The few things I did do only happened because I had to convince myself to get up and do something. I’ve already gotten into a summer funk and it’s only, what? Two weeks? Three?, since summer has started. I can be such a lazy toad. However, I did getRead Now

Style It//Beach Party

Hey guys! Since almost everyone is craving some time at the beach, here’s some cute outfit ideas to help you figure out what to wear! I tried to pick clothing that would be easy to take off when you want to go swimming while keeping you warm once it gets colder. The first outfit is more for people who aren’t too sure they’re going toRead Now

DIY Collective//Book Clutch

Hey guys! I love reading about DIY’s and how to’s. There’s many ways to making a DIY and I love reading about how people go about making them. So I decided to put my favorite DIY’s for each project on one place. These are my favorite tutorials for making book clutches! Each has a different difficulty level which makes it easy to find the tutorialRead Now