Hey guys! Oh yes. Today will be a bucket list kind of post. Why? Why not?! I know some bloggers have written posts about un-bucket lists? or whatever they’re called which highlights doing simple things in life that don’t cost much or are easily attainable. Although I would love to write a post like that (maybe I’ll even write one after this post!), this isRead Now

Tippin’ Tuesday//Time For the Goals

Hey guys! Now this post is different from last week’s Tippin’ Tuesday. I’m serious, keeping the goals going is totally different from finding time to get the goals. I bet you have no idea what I’m saying? Basically, this is what I do to actually find time to meet my New Years goals. Productive Mornings Getting things done in the morning always set the toneRead Now

Tippin’ Tuesday//Keep The Goals Going

Hey guys! I haven’t done a Tippin’ Tuesday for what seems like a long time. This series hasn’t really going as I planned it, but this year I’m going to try and keep it consistent.  Anyway, here’s some ways to keep your 2015 New Year’s goals going throughout the year.  Write it down Writing things down help cement your goals in your mind. The movementRead Now


Hey guys! Happy New Year’s! Every year people make resolutions or goals that they want to achieve each year. Most people stick with it for the first few weeks, but lose their drive by February. I found that telling people about your goals for the New Year will guilt yourself into conquering your goals. So here I am, telling you guys what I am goingRead Now

December Challenge//2014 Blog Goals

Hey guys! 2014 is almost to an end! *throws confetti into the air* New Year’s Eve is tomorrow which means that New Year’s Resolutions are coming up! Before I post that up, I wanted to get my blog goals up first. Remember how I talked about finding a passion for blogging in my blog reflection post? This post is about clarifying what I want toRead Now

December Challenge//Winter Break Goals

Hey guys! Today is the start for my winter break! Tomorrow I am going to perform for a friend’s debut and the rest of the two weeks are all me time. I’ve decided to make a list of what I want to accomplish these next two weeks and share it with you guys! So here it is… Finish my economy homework Finish math homework  StudyRead Now