December Challenge 2015//A YouTube Hack (That Everyone Knew Except Me)

Hey guys! I just found the best way to repeat YouTube videos. No, this isn’t a sponsored post. I thought every person who commented this was joking about it working. But guys. It does work. Well, it only works for certain videos. Vevo doesn’t allow certain videos to be played on this site, but it’s alright. You have a lot more videos to choose from.Read Now


Hey guys! It doesn’t really feel like Christmas to me. I’m not sure if it’s because of non-Christmas like atmosphere where I live or because I’ve gotten into studyblrs lately, however I have done something productive with my break. I cleaned. It may not seem like a big deal to other people, but I have a notorious habit of making my room messy after cleaningRead Now

December Challenge 2015//Learning the Ocarina

Hey guys! I first learned about the ocarina from Zelda. My brothers used to play it all the time on their DS Lites. Of course, I didn’t really pay attention to the game; only enough attention to figure out who was Link and who was Zelda. I got interested in learning how to play the ocarina once I saw the Pokemon 2000 movie. I wantedRead Now

December Challenge 2015//A Weekend Playlist

Hey guys! I decided to make a quick playlist of what I’ve been listening to this week. I like all kinds of music so my playlist and music library is a vast, dark hole of different genres. I’ve been listening to a few songs on repeat so my playlist is a little small. I hope you like still like it though. That’s it for today!Read Now

Haul//Ghost Town’s Light the Flame Bundle

Hey guys! I recently got my preorder Light the Flame bundle from Ghost Town. Ghost Town’s new music is vastly different from their old stuff. Take a listen with the videos down below. Personally, I like the direction they’re going. It’s always good to experiment with your band and music; you’ll never know if you’ll find something that speaks to you if you don’t. They’reRead Now

Music//5SOS Concert Essentials

Hey guys! Since tomorrow is my 5SOS concert, I decided to put together what I need today. I’m using a drawstring bag that I got during a college fair for free. It’ll keep my hands free while holding everything that I need. Concert Essentials: Hand Cream Hand Sanitizer Oil Blotting Sheets Tissues Mirror Chap stick Lip Butter Snacks Wallet Pen Phone Charger Phone I’m alsoRead Now


Hey guys! I know I haven’t been updating as frequently as I used to because I’m currently in Chicago! If you keep up with my instagram, you’ve already seen a selfie with me and the front of my Aunt’s house. I’ve been enjoying being lazy for a few weeks and going into stores that I don’t have in California. Okay, most stores I don’t haveRead Now

W is for Wake Me Up

Hey guys! Today’s letter is W! Wake Me Up came to mind when I was looking for a word or phrase to write about. Wake Me Up can be found in two songs that I love. The first Evanescence’s Bring Me To Life. The other is Wham!’s Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. Two entirely different genre of music, but hey! They fit today’sRead Now

December Challenge//2014 Favorites Part 2

Hey guys! Here’s part 2 of my 2014 favorites! This post contains food, stationery, and other random items! Just like my Part 1, it does have links to websites, but I’m not getting paid or anything from linking them. This list is longer than the first one because well, I love a lot of random junk. I’m like a magpie sometimes! GAME Maze Globe It’sRead Now