Hey everyone!

I know that I haven’t really been keeping up with my theme for the year (which you can read about here) for the blog, but I think it’s working for other aspects of my life. Mostly.

I got the sad news that my current place of work had to let me and others go a week or so ago. I’m not that too hung up on it, but I am annoyed that they hired so many people during a peak season and don’t let some of them stay as permanent workers. Especially the people with disabilities. But that’s a problem that I’ll tackle once I’m done with other important topics.

Which leads me to school work. One of my teachers is very much the type that likes to ride your coat tails until you sob hysterically on the floor. Seriously. I have about a 50+ question assignment due every week. I’m not that excited for the class, however I do need it for a class that I want to take. I’m still not sure what I want to do with my life, but I have a little bit of time before I dive head first into something.

I’m still iffy about making YouTube videos because I’m not sure what I’d make. Fashion videos? Reaction videos? Anything? I’m not the type to have a niche since I get bored easily when writing about one topic. I do have a few video ideas floating around, but putting them into action is going to take a while.

What have you been up to this week?
