I is for Idiot

Hey guys! Today’s letter is I! Well, yesterday’s letter was I. Because now it’s thirty minutes after midnight. And I am late. Oh well!  Since I’m late, here’s a video with idiot in it!  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WWdgiFzpolA That’s it for tonight! Thanks for reading!  P.S. Updating from my iPod, so if y’all can’t click the link I’ll fix it in the morning! 

H is for Harry Potter

Hey guys! Today’s letter is H! Since I don’t have a theme this year as it’s my first year doing the A to Z Blog Challenge, I thought Harry Potter. Because E was for Emma Watson. Harry Potter holds a special place in my heart. I grew up watching the movies and once I was old enough, started reading the books. It was almost traditionRead Now

Review//InstaNaturals Essential Oils

Hey guys!* I recently tried these InstaNaturals Essential Oils. I got the Peppermint Oil and Lavender Oil.  The products have a really strong smell. I could smell the oils even without opening the safety seal of the products. I thought they smelled nice, but some people might find it overwhelming.  I used the products for aromatherapy and they work nicely. I recently gotten into burningRead Now

G is for Goals

Hey guys! Today’s letter is G! I thought goals would be a good topic for today. Everyone has some kind of goals. Big or small, goals are a way to get to where you want to go. Here are some of my goals for this month: Get more sleep Write a page of fiction everyday Journal everyday Get better grades in math Organize my roomRead Now

F is for Feminism

Hey guys! Today’s letter is F! I thought of failure, then fake, but settled on feminism.  Feminism is the “movement to win equal rights for women“. Note that it says equal rights. Not more rights or be above men, but equal. Some people may say that humanism promotes equal rights, but humanism is the “system of thoughts based on the interests and ideals of humankind“.Read Now

E is for Emma Watson

Hey guys! Today’s letter is E! E for Emma Watson and if you’ve been living under a rock, and don’t know who she is. Well. We might have a problem. Emma Watson played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies and went on to other roles like The Perks of Being a Wallflower and is currently casted as Belle in the upcoming remake of BeautyRead Now

D is for Dreams

Hey guys!Today’s letter is D! It was a toss up between desire and dreams, but I decided on dreams. I have a lot dreams. Little ones, big ones. I don’t think y’all would like large paragraphs every post, so I decided to make a list! I dream of having a home I dream of being loved I dream of being happy I dream of writing aRead Now

C is for Candy

Hey guys! Today’s letter is C! I was going to do something about culture, but I couldn’t resist candy.  Oh candy. The core of any toddler parents’ nightmares. Candy give such a rush. The sugar, the sweetness, the colors! Candy comes in all shapes and sizes. There could even be candies that have the same name and be made of totally ingredients. Oh candy. HowRead Now

B is for Beauty

Hey guys! Today’s letter is B! Which autimaticLly made me think of beauty. A small word that can cause such a large controversy. As a child I always believed that beauty was something that everyone had. Beauty from within and outside. Not everyone is beautiful in the traditional sense where it’s only skin deep. Some people are beautiful in the way that you admire orRead Now

A is for Adventure

Hey guys!  Today’s post is about something starting with the letter A! I decided to on the word adventure.  I love going on adventures. Whether it’s a quick trip to the supermarket or a vacation in Chicago. I’m always ready to lace it up my Converse and just go.  There’s something about being on the road with the wind in my face that always settlesRead Now