Hey everyone! July was a slow month. As you guys may know from my latest LIFE HAPPENS post, I do not have the best time management skills in the summer. But I do like to note down practically everything I love in one of my apps. BOOKS/MANGA/COMICS bastard – webtoon // A psychological drama with the smallest dash of romance thrown in. I was notRead Now

December Challenge 2015//Comic Book Haul

Hey guys! I went to the comic book store on either Sunday or Monday. I was looking for the latest issue of Bitch Planet, but unfortunately, my comic book store didn’t have it. Instead I grabbed a few different items. Comics: Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat: A Calvin And Hobbes Collection Fuck Fairyland Issue #3 Wytches Issue #2 & #3 I love Fuck Fairyland, but theRead Now

December Challenge 2015//Comic Books Make Me Broke

Hey guys! I have been to my local comic book store a total of five times in the last few weeks. My first ever comic was an Adventure Time exclusive from Hot Topic a day before the visit. The comic was focused on Marceline the Vampire Queen who is one of my favorite characters. From then on, I was hooked on finding the rest ofRead Now

Style It // Harley Quinn: Hot In The City (Comic Book Inspired)

Hey guys! Last week, I did a post on Paper Girls which is one of the comic book series that I am currently following. Today I’m focusing on Harley Quinn. She’s one of my favorite villains. I love her background story and how she’s progressed in character development throughout the years. It’s the Harley Quinn: Hot In The City Volume One book that I’ll be drawingRead Now