Hey everyone! I made another STYLE IT back to school fashion post last year. Click here to read it. Since most college students aren’t focused on their fashion choices (except if they go to a fashion school of course!), it’s always fascinating to see what people wear at different schools. My community college’s fashion scene is a mix of laid back sweats and trendy clothing.Read Now
2016, chit chat, fashion, fashion new year new style, fashion style, my style, new style, new year, personal, personal style, style, talk
Hey guys! I know it’s been a while since my last update. I was enjoying my semester break a little bit too much. Now I’m back with a little chit chat and a link or two. As the title says, I’m going to have a new style this year. It’s not going to be what’s in, but what I’ve realized fits me and my life.Read Now