Hey guys! Today was a nice week. I had a small break from school on Wednesday because of Veteran’s Day and I as able to get ahead in NaNoWriMo. So here’s how my week went down. PERSONALSince I’m doing NaNoWriMo (you can see my progress on my now useful book blog), I have been trying to get to certain word counts every day. If youRead Now


Hey guys! If you didn’t now, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo. My username is laceituplove if anyone wants to be writing buddies. Now on to how my week went. SCHOOLI am so behind on my math homework. NaNoWriMo is taking a lot of my time, but I am using this weekend to catch up on my work. I am done with most of the sections, butRead Now


Hey guys! Life has been rough lately. SCHOOLI had two math tests this week that I hopefully aced. As we all know, math is not my forte. School has really been exhausting lately. I have about two months or so until the end of the semester and I’m already fretting about finals. Oh the life of a college student. PERSONALSince school has been taking upRead Now


Hey guys! This week went by so fast that I wasn’t prepared for it at all. SCHOOLOn the school front, I just finished my first college English exam as mentioned in my College Life//Making an Outline for English Essays. It was surprisingly easy and I finished with about thirty minutes to spare. Although I don’t know how I’m going to finish my current English assignment asRead Now


Hey guys! This week has been tiring for me. I started college Monday and have survived my first week as a freshman. Here’s how it went down. SCHOOL I decided to drop Yoga and Meditation because it was from about 7:30pm to 8:30pm and I wasn’t too keen on waiting outside in the dark for my ride. I also dropped my Women’s Studies class asRead Now


Hey guys! I know I haven’t been updating as frequently as I used to because I’m currently in Chicago! If you keep up with my instagram, you’ve already seen a selfie with me and the front of my Aunt’s house. I’ve been enjoying being lazy for a few weeks and going into stores that I don’t have in California. Okay, most stores I don’t haveRead Now