Hey guys! This week was pretty normal. I did go shopping (again!), but I decided not post any hauls up for the time being since I don’t have time for really picture heavy posts. College life yo. So here’s how my week went. SCHOOL Everything is going really great. Of course, math is exhausting as always, but I am pretty on top of my workRead Now


Hey guys! This week went by so fast that I wasn’t prepared for it at all. SCHOOLOn the school front, I just finished my first college English exam as mentioned in my College Life//Making an Outline for English Essays. It was surprisingly easy and I finished with about thirty minutes to spare. Although I don’t know how I’m going to finish my current English assignment asRead Now


Hey guys! This week has been tiring for me. I started college Monday and have survived my first week as a freshman. Here’s how it went down. SCHOOL I decided to drop Yoga and Meditation because it was from about 7:30pm to 8:30pm and I wasn’t too keen on waiting outside in the dark for my ride. I also dropped my Women’s Studies class asRead Now


Hey guys! I know I haven’t been updating as frequently as I used to because I’m currently in Chicago! If you keep up with my instagram, you’ve already seen a selfie with me and the front of my Aunt’s house. I’ve been enjoying being lazy for a few weeks and going into stores that I don’t have in California. Okay, most stores I don’t haveRead Now


Hey guys! Oh yes. Today will be a bucket list kind of post. Why? Why not?! I know some bloggers have written posts about un-bucket lists? or whatever they’re called which highlights doing simple things in life that don’t cost much or are easily attainable. Although I would love to write a post like that (maybe I’ll even write one after this post!), this isRead Now


Hey guys! I’m going to be honest. I have done nothing this week. Zip. Nada. Zilch. The few things I did do only happened because I had to convince myself to get up and do something. I’ve already gotten into a summer funk and it’s only, what? Two weeks? Three?, since summer has started. I can be such a lazy toad. However, I did getRead Now