Hey everyone!*

Does the blog title sounds like anyone else? I am a huge procrastinator. And procrastinating on reading a book about procrastination is not outside the realms of possibility for me. Even though Procrastination: Overcoming the Bad Habits of Procrastination and Laziness and Become More Productive is only seventy-five pages, it took a me a while to read it for various reasons. The main one being that I am a procrastinator.

I’ve mentioned it multiple times throughout my years of blogging, but I will reiterate it again. I am a procrastinator. It’s a fact that I’ve accepted and tried to change. With various results that still haven’t really stopped my procrastinating. This book sounded interesting, but it fell a little flat for me.

Most of the content is well-thought out and engaging. However, a lot of the information can easily be accessible online and not many of the suggestions to stop procrastination are new or amazing. There are a few grammatical mistakes throughout the book that throws off the rhythm if you’re picky. I also wish that the author included an index to all the studies and articles they mentioned as I wanted to understand more of the language and content they used.

All in all, this book is an okay read for people who are just starting to procrastinate or just small time procrastinators.

Are you a procrastinator? What do you think about books about procrastination?

*This book was given to me free for review. I am not getting any monetary compensation for any of my reviews. All opinions and comments are my own. 
