Style It // ZNation #TeamMorphine

Hey everyone! SPOILERS AHEAD (not a lot, but still). ALSO MAY CONTAIN CURSING. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. If you haven’t noticed, ZNation is one of my favorite shows. It’s only been two episodes, but I’ve already had my heart ripped out and stomped on by the writers of the show. Thanks for that guys. I noticed this season a new ship that I didn’tRead Now

College Life//How To Deal With After Exam Exhaustion

Hey guys! I know, I haven’t been updating as much, but I do have a good reason. Math. Oh yes, the dreaded M word that most college students hate. Unless it’s your major, you probably either don’t like math or really don’t like math. I really don’t like math, but I try to work hard in that class. After last week’s English test, somehow IRead Now


Hey guys! This week went by so fast that I wasn’t prepared for it at all. SCHOOLOn the school front, I just finished my first college English exam as mentioned in my College Life//Making an Outline for English Essays. It was surprisingly easy and I finished with about thirty minutes to spare. Although I don’t know how I’m going to finish my current English assignment asRead Now

Zombie Slaying 101//Basic Survival Skills

Hey guys! The next installment of the Zombie Slaying 101 series is all about basic survival skills. Different from The Essentials in that, if you don’t have what’s on this list, you can at least survive with these skills until you acquire them. I myself don’t know that much survival skills, but I do know what you need to know in order to survive a zombieRead Now

Zombie Slaying 101//The Essentials

Hey guys! With ZNation’s second season premiering this Friday, I decided to make a short series on surviving the zombie apocalypse. Today’s post is on what I think you might need to have to survive until there’s a cure or you find a nice community to take you in.  FOOD Nonperishables These are very important. This is why people should stock up for natural diseasters.Read Now


Hey guys! This week has been tiring for me. I started college Monday and have survived my first week as a freshman. Here’s how it went down. SCHOOL I decided to drop Yoga and Meditation because it was from about 7:30pm to 8:30pm and I wasn’t too keen on waiting outside in the dark for my ride. I also dropped my Women’s Studies class asRead Now