College Life//A Day In the Life of a College Student (AKA I Have No Life)

Hey guys! I never realized this, but these last month really revealed to me how much time I have as a college student. Since I have morning classes, I wake up early four days a week. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I exercise and shower in the morning because my Statistics class doesn’t start until 9:45 a.m. In that time, I’m able to check over myRead Now

College Life//How To Deal With After Exam Exhaustion

Hey guys! I know, I haven’t been updating as much, but I do have a good reason. Math. Oh yes, the dreaded M word that most college students hate. Unless it’s your major, you probably either don’t like math or really don’t like math. I really don’t like math, but I try to work hard in that class. After last week’s English test, somehow IRead Now

My Welcome Day Experience

Hey guys! Yesterday I went to Freshman Day for my future college. It’s when upcoming freshman spent the day learning about the campus and participating in workshops. I was at school from 8:30am to 5:30pm and it was exhausting. The early morning was very chilly, but as time went on the sun came out and decided to try and fry everyone alive. Just normal CaliforniaRead Now